2014年08月 40-3 團體諮商工作同盟量表編製研究

謝麗紅 林詠昌
國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系 臺中市立新社高級中學




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  15. Gillaspy, J. A., Jr.,Wright, A. R.,Campbell, C.,Stokes, S.,Adinoff, B.(2002).Group alliance and cohesion as predictors of drug and alcohol abuse treatment outcomes.Psychotherapy Research,12(2),213-229.
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  21. Johnson, D. P.,Penn, D. L.,Bauer, D. J.,Meyer, P.,Evans, E.(2008).Predictors of the therapeutic alliance in group therapy for individuals with treatment resistant auditory hallucinations.British Journal of Clinical Psychology,47(2),171-183.
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  23. Johnson, J. E.,Burlingame, G. M.,Olsen, J. A.,Davies, D. R.,Gleave, R. L.(2005).Group climate, cohesion, alliance, and empathy in group psychotherapy: Multilevel structural equation models.Journal of Counseling Psychology,52(3),310-321.
  24. Joyce, A. S.,Piper, W. E.,Ogrodniczuk, J. S.(2007).Therapeutic alliance and cohesion variables as predictors of outcome in short-term group psychotherapy.International Journal of Group Psychotherapy,57(3),269-296.
  25. Kivlighan, D. M.,Multon, K. D.,Brossart, D. F.(1996).Helpful impacts in group counseling: development of a multidimensional rating system.Journal of Counseling psychology,43,347-355.
  26. Koch, L.,Egbert, N.,Coeling, H.(2005).The working alliance as a model for interdisciplinary collaboration.Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation,25(4),369-373.
  27. Kutash, I. L.(ed.),Wolf, A.(ed.),Nattland, C.(ed.)(1990).The group psychotherapist's handbook: Contemporary theory and technique.New York, NY, US:Columbia University.
  28. Lindgren, A.,Barber, J. P.,Sandahl, C.(2008).Alliance to the group-as-a-whole as a predictor of outcome in psychodynamic group therapy.International Journal of Group Psychotherapy,58(2),163-184.
  29. Lorentzen, S.,Sexton, H. C.,Hoglend, P.(2004).Therapeutic alliance, cohesion and outcome in a long-term analytic group. A preliminary study.Nordic Journal of Psychiatry,58(1),33-40.
  30. Marziali, E.,Munroe-Blum, H.,McCleary, L.(1997).The contribution of group cohesion and group alliance to the outcome of group psychotherapy.International Journal of Group Psychotherapy,47(4),475-497.
  31. McCallum, M.,Piper, W. E.,Ogrodniczuk, J. S.,Joyce, A. S.(2002).Early process and dropping out from short-term group therapy for complicated grief.Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice,6(3),243-254.
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  34. Piper, W. E.,Ogrodniczuk, J. S.,Lamarche, C.,Hilscher, T.,Joyce, A. S.(2005).Level of alliance, pattern of alliance, and outcome in short-term group therapy.International Journal of Group Psychotherapy,55(4),527-550.
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  37. Taft, C. T.,Murphy, C. M.,King, D. W.,Musser, P. H.,DeDeyn, J. M.(2003).Process and treatment adherence factors in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner violent men.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,71(4),812-820.
  38. Taft, C. T.,Murphy, C. M.,Musser, P. H.,Remington, N. A.(2004).Personality, interpersonal, and motivational predictors of the working alliance in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner violent men.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,72(2),349-354.
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