200503 17-2 Research on the Process of the Psychosocial Development of an Aged Female’s Vital Involvement

Shu-hsia Chang Feng-Tsu Liao
Kuang Hua Girls Senior High School National Kaohsiung Normal University

The purpose of the research is to analyze the process of an aged female’s psychosocial development through her narration about what she has enthusiastically participated in, and interpret further the important factors of her individual vital involvement and energetic living ability. Narrative and Holistic-Content analytic methods are used for this research article. The character of the research H, a married woman and aged 75, has taken part in aged people’s courses for eight semesters and become a volunteer for nine years. After this research, I found four main aspects contributing to H’s central concept of becoming an active aged participant. The four aspects are growth, marriage, the process of her children’s development and the individual career development of her own. The last three of them are developing individually but interactively. It has been seen that the psychosocial development of a female is dynamic, not continuity. The wisdom and harmony of the final life stage is due to aggressive participating and being involved constantly at the former stages. To sum up, practical suggestions will be proposed based on the results of the research, and be applied to the field of aged people's counseling, including aged females' life and the reference for further study.

Aged female, Psychosocial development, Vital Involvement, Narrative research


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