200503 17-4 Childhood Conduct Disorder: Compulsivity, Possible Selves, and Leisure Activities

Hsiu Lan Tien
Taiwan Normal Uuiversity

The purpose of the study was to examine the risk factors for children’s conduct disorder. The factors examined in this study included compulsivity, possible selves, and leisure activities. For the first stage of the study, the purpose was to develop related questionnaires. Gender differences on those factors were also examined. The sample was 775 children. For the second stage of the study, the purpose was to follow up the children’s behavior change in one year. The sample was 846 children with the average age of 12.22. The results indicated significant gender differences on most of the scales. For girls, the behavior change in one year was not significant. For boys, the aggressive conduct increased significantly. For trait factor, the boys' and girls' scores on pleasure pursuit scale increased. For social factor, both girls and boys scores on pleasure seeking and violent type of leisure increased. For cognitive factor, the boys' scores on interest and future life scales did not change significantly. The girls, on the other hand, were more positive toward their future economic situation. The results were discussed and suggestions for future studies were proposed.

Possible selves, leisure activities, children counseling, conduct behaviors, compulsivity


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