200603 19-3 The Effects of Group Counseling on the Separateness-Individualization among College Students

Hei-Meei Juang WenChun Cho
National Kaohsiung Normal University

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of group counseling on the separateness-individualization of college students. Eight students, two males and 6 females, from a southern Technical University were recruited in the Bowen’s family therapy oriented group, which lasted six weeks, 21 hours in total. Students were asked to complete the “Psychological Adjustment Scale for College Students” and “Family Differentiation Scale” before and after the group in order to measure the changes of their separateness-individualization and the degrees of psychological adjustment. Interviews were also conducted to further explore the fluctuation of their scores on the scales as well as the supplements for understanding their changes of separateness-individualization and the influences of the group on their life. The results in general showed a tendency of improvement on students’ psychological adjustment and separateness-individualization from their family. From the interview, some students appeared to experience highs and lows during the sessions, which suggested that the group itself may lead students to reflect upon their family experiences and cause a degree of emotional turmoil. The implications of the findings and suggestions about further research were addressed.

separateness-individualization, psychological adjustment, Bowen’s oriented group counseling, college students

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