21-2 Life Praxis and Self Identity: A Study of Career Adaptive Behaviors of Young Service Workers and Salespersons

Chi-Wei Lin Hsiao-Fen Huang Chun-Lan Chiu Lin-Lin Jiang
National Hualien University of Education

The main pu中ose of the present study was to investigate the core concept and meaning of career adaptive behaviors in the light of life praxis and self identity. A phenomenological method was employed to explore grassroots employed young people based on the analysis framework of life course orientation. A focus group interview was conducted followed by in-depth interviews with the targeted participants- a total of fourteen service workers and salespersons. Cross-stage analysis found that the participants attempted to achieve independence from career indecision or lack of direction of the exploration stage, through multiple alterations of life courses, during which the “coming out" ideation had a propelling dynamic. From the aspect of Chinese socio-cultural context, the authors observed vivid “ exertion and resiliency” career behaviors,“hardworking and dutiful" work ethics,“interpersonal-minded and harmonious" service contents,“feedback and reciprocal ” success identification, and “family-centered and life happiness" life praxis. The life pictures of the grassroots participants were action and independence. Thus, the present study placed self-reliance, affectionateness, and life happiness joint as the life identification axis of the significant partial group of Chinese service workers and salespersons. Their occupation selection and career exceeded person-centered self selection and leaned more toward to situation-centered interpersonal considerations. The issue of balancing various needs for self identity of a client in the attachment context should be more thoroughly researched in career counseling.

life praxis, self identity, career adaptive behaviors, career counseling, indigenous psychology


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