43-5 The Learning Experience of Group Supervision in Counseling Practice Course: The Implications of Cyclic Developmental Model and Reflecting Team

The purpose of this study was to explore the supervisees' experience with the cyclic developmental model and reflecting team. Fifteen counselor trainees enrolled in a counseling practice course undertook four group supervision sessions (i.e., first 2 sessions were based on the cyclic developmental model and last 2 sessions were conducted by the reflecting team). They wrote reflection notes after each supervision session. Sixty reflection notes were content analyzed. The results were: All the counselor trainees reported that they benefited a lot from the group supervision process. Peer discussion, vicarious learning and demonstration were most appropriate for their learning style. They realized and confronted their own anxiety, and became more motivated for learning. Group supervision enhanced their professional competencies in three dimensions: understanding more about the client, the counseling interventions and the process. The learning focus was different in different sessions and models of group supervision. Implications for counselor education and future research were discussed.

counseling practice course ; counselor trainee ; cyclic developmental supervision model ; group supervision ; reflecting team
