39-5 Preliminary Exploration for the Practice Essence and Service Model of the School Psychologist: Analysis through the Difficulties Copying and Profession Expectation

Due to the increasing needs of campus mental health in the elementary and junior high schools, psychologists have offered mental health services to students for many years. The profession development issue of school psychologist in Taiwan was highly necessary to investigate. For the purposes to explore the difficulties, coping strategies, and profession expectations of the psychologists who served in the school system, ten clinical or counseling psychologists, who had more than two years of experiences, were interviewed. The results indicated four categories of difficulties and coping: (a) the operation of administration and case management, (b) indistinct position in professional service, (c) division and collaboration in the system, and (d) the family intervention and resource linkage The three types of expectations of further professional service were reflection of practice and training, evaluation of the service model, and the prospect on system building of school guidance. Discussion were integrated from the results, which focus on the two dimensions of practice essence and service model. First, the ”mobile psychological service” of responsible region could be an appropriate service model for school psychologists to provide interventions. Second, at the direct service level of professional practice, student interventions should expend and enhance their depth. At the indirect level of ecological intervention, both of consultation with parent and teacher consultation and the organization work of administration and professional collaboration should be included. Recommendations of practice essence, training, service model building, and further research were proposed.

 professions collaboration ; professional development ; school counseling ; school psychologist ; school psychology
