33-2 Exploration of Emotional Intelligence, Coping Strategies and Adjustment Problems among Junior High School Students

Hui-Min Ou
Nan Hua University

The purpose of the research was to explore the causal model of emotional intelligence, coping strategies and adjustment problems among junior high school students. The first aim is to understand the state of emotional intelligence, coping strategies and adjustment problems in junior high school students. The second aim is to explore relationships among emotional intelligence, coping strategies, adjustment problems of junior high school students. The third aim is to explore whether coping strategies could mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence and adjustment problems of junior high school students. The stratified-cluster sampling was used to obtain 957 junior high school students who participated in the study and completed a battery of structured questionnaire, which included ”Adjustment Problem Inventory” (API), ”Adolescent Coping Strategies Inventory” (ACSI) and ”Adolescent Emotional Response Inventory” (AERI). The obtained data were analyzed with repeated-measures ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, hierarchical regression, and structural equation modeling (SEM). The main findings were as follows. (1) Among four emotional intelligences of junior high school students, the highest is the perception and understanding of emotion, followed by assimilating emotion in thought. Among five coping strategies used, the most frequent one is the avoid-negative strategies, followed by indirect confrontation strategies”; the least frequent one is the searching support strategies. Among the adjustment problems, the highest one is school-life problems, followed byself-concern problems. (2) All the emotional intelligences and coping strategies predicted adjustment problems, and avoid-negative strategy was the best predictor. (3) Coping strategies mediated the relationship between emotional intelligence and adjustment problems among junior high school students.

adjustment problems、coping strategies、emotional intelligence、junior high school students

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