33-3 The Development of Job Goals and the Needs of School-to-Work Transition in College Graduates with Total Blindness

The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore factors that might impact the development of job goals and the needs of school-to-work transition in college graduates with total blindness. Multiple semi-structured interviews were conducted (during 14 months) with 3 college graduates with total blindness, and their 8 significant others. The major findings indicated that the ability of making self-determination, and ”stereotype” (meaning that blind people can only do some traditional jobs such as being massage therapists or Braille proof readers) were the major factors that influenced the participants' development of job goals. Additionally, the participants' needs for transition consisted of: (a) professional skills that were required by a certain job such as skills for proof-reading texts in braille, and prerequisite skills that could be applied to all kinds of jobs, for example, skills for communication, self-determination, and positive work attitude; (b) job accommodation, including assistants for visual tasks, assistive technology devices, adjusting work processes and improving work environments, barrier-free work environments, professional audio-books and books in braille; (c) mobility skills for independent commuting; and (d) leisure skills. Finally, the limitation of the study and the future research directions were discussed.

 college graduates with total blindness、stereotypes、the needs of school-to-work transition

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