34-5 Prediction of Resolution Strategy for Interpersonal Conflicts Arising from Family System Differentiation and Self-Concept of High School Students: Mediational Effects of Self-Concept

The aim of this study was to test the effects of family system differentiation on the resolution strategy for interpersonal conflictsand to examine the mediational effects of self-concept. The study surveyed 1,501 students from senior or vocational high schools in Tainan City and County, Taiwan. The instruments used in this study included: (a) the Family System Differentiation Scale, (b) the Self-Concept Scale, and (c) the Interpersonal Interaction Scale. In terms of direct prediction effects, the results showed that: (a) Other than forbearance, mother-son, father-son and marital sub-system differentiation all effectively predicted the ”competition”, ”evasion” and ”coordination” strategies, although their influence varied. (b) The better the differentiation of respective sub-systems, the more likely the rational ”coordination” strategy was to be taken. Conversely, emotional ”competition” and ”evasion” strategies also tended to be taken. It is particularly noteworthy that marital sub-system differentiation was predictive of all emotional strategies. The influence of father-son differentiation outperformed that of mother-son differentiation in regard to employing a rational strategy, but the reverse was true for emotional strategies. In terms of the mediational effects of self-concept, it was found that: (a) with the competition strategy, the ”individual self” had no mediational effect, whereas the ”rational self” showed a strong mediational effect; (b) With the evasion strategy, the ”individual self” had some mediational effect, while the ”rational self” presented a strong mediational effect; (c) with the coordination strategy, the ”individual self” and ”rational self” only had a limited mediating effect; (d) With the ”forbearance” strategy, the ”individual self” and ”rational self” did not have a mediational effect. Furthermore, as a whole, the mediational effect of ”rational self” was greater than that of ”individual self”, and its influence mechanism was mainly applied to the emotional strategy. Implications and recommendations as well as directions for future research were discussed.

family system differentiation、interpersonal conflict resolution、self-concept

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