34-6 Career Resilience and Resiliency in the Experience of Unemployment: Inquire of a Qualitative Research

The purpose of this study is to explore adults' unemployment experiences with thefocus on their career crises and the importance of the resilience in this challenging transition. In-depth interviews with four jobless male adults were conducted to collect data on their work histories and unemployment experiences. Based on the interviews, both protective factors and risk factors were identified for the unemployed participants. The result showed that career resilience in unemployment experiences could bedivided into four categories-environmental risk factors, individual risk factors, environmental protective factors, and personal protective factors. Furthermore this study defined personal protective factors as ”career resiliency” (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000), and career resiliency of unemployed participants consists of ”cushioning” at the initial stage of unemployment, ”persistency” in the middle of unemployment, and ”transformability” in the late stage. The Cushioning factor includes unemployment expectations, job-transfer preparation, positive emotional adjustment, and sense of control. The Persistency factor includes arrangements for life and vitality, positive self-esteem and positive values and beliefs. The Transformability factor includes the ability of to assess reality and career strategies, transformation of frames, the ability to reconstruct meanings, development of skills, and adaptation to new work environments. To sum up, the study explored the concept of career resilience and career resiliency. Future research is needed to refine the conceptualization, and extend it to different groups, or even to different career obstacles.

career resilience、career resiliency、qualitative research、resilience、unemployment

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