29-3 The Narrative Research on Coming out Process of the Lesbians to Their Family

The purpose of this study is to examine the coming out process of lesbians to their family, including lesbians' concerns about coming out and ways to cope with the process. The study adopted narrative qualitative methodology and snow ball sampling. The participants were three self-identified lesbians (ages 26 to 30) who have worked and come out to at least one family member. The authors selected and presented the three participants' life narratives. The findings suggest that the factors that affect lesbians' coming out process include the motivation, the subject, and the timing of the coming out. The coming out process included three types in accordance with family roles: sibling, mother and father. Lesbians felt at ease and more unburdened when coming out to their sibling. They felt more of a struggle and encumbrance for coming out to their mothers. They are less likely to come out to their fathers because the relationship is more distant and it is more risky to come out to fathers.

coming out process、disclosure、family、lesbian

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