30-4 A Dyad Study of the Supervisee's and Supervisor's Perceptions of Counseling Supervisory Relationship

The purposes of this study are to compare the perceptions of the supervisee and the supervisor on the counseling supervisory relationship by analyzing their viewpoints towards significant events in the supervision process. The researchers adopted process research paradigm and dyad research to collect data from one dyad for one semester. The major findings were: (1) The supervisee's perception: significant events were categorized into three categories, including interpersonal interaction, the state of emotional bond, and the impact of professional intervention. The supervisor's perception: significant events were categorized into three categories, including interpersonal influence state, harmonic bonds, and showing profession power. (2) Four patterns of relationship perceptions emerged from data analyses, including similar perceptions, respective perceptions, divergent perceptions, and independent perceptions, with independent perceptions prevailing at all phases.

counseling supervisory relationship、process research、significant events、dyad research

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