31-2 The Effect of Bi-Dimensional Perfectionism on Positive Emotion, Negative Emotion and Learning Difficulties: Examination of Rumination and Coping Strategies as Mediators

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether bi-dimensional perfectionism effectively predicts learning difficulties and positive/negative emotions. This study further examined whether rumination and coping mediate the relationship between perfectionism and learning difficulties, or between perfectionism and positive/negative emotions. A sample 941 undergraduate students (426 males and 515 females) were recruited to participate in this study. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were t-test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression. The results of this study were shown as follows. First, positive perfectionism significantly predicted positive emotion; negative perfectionism significantly predicted learning difficulties and negative emotion. Second, brooding rumination and reflective rumination partially mediated the relationship between negative perfectionism and negative emotion and/or learning difficulties. Lastly, active coping partially mediated the relationship between positive perfectionism and positive emotion; avoidance coping partially mediated the relationship between negative perfectionism and negative emotion; finally, avoidance coping partially mediated the relationship between negative perfectionism and learning difficulties. Implications for further research and practice were discussed.

coping、learning problem、perfectionism、positive and negative affect、rumination

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