31-5 The Use of Image of God in Counseling

The main purpose of this study was to explore the clients' change process when the counselor integrated the imagery technique with the image of God and spirituality in counseling. Three interpersonally disturbed adult Christian clients were recruited to the study. A female experienced Christian counselor applied the imagery technique with the image of God in her counseling work. Each client received 3-6 brief counseling sessions. Each session was taped and transcribed. Upon completion of each counseling session, both counselor and client were interviewed to debrief about their counseling session. The qualitative analysis method was used to analyze the types and characteristics of the image of God emerged from the clients, the helpfulness received from the client's imagery, and the counselor's imagery techniques employed. The results found five different types and characteristics of the image of God, five positive impacts received from the clients, and the counselor's rationales, procedures, attitudes, and specific techniques adopted in integrating the imagery work in counseling. The discussions and implications of the study were further illustrated.

counseling、image of God、imagery、spirituality

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