25-7 Trends of Dating and Sex Behavior among Fifth Grade Students of Junior Colleges in Taipei City from 1979 to 2007

The present study analyzed four separate studies relating to adolescent dating and sexual behavior from 1979 to 2007, to investigate behavioral trends across a 30 year span. Dependant variables were age of first dating and six categories of sexual behavior, including holding hands, hugging, kissing, light petting, heavy petting, and coitus. Subjects were 5th graders of junior colleges in Taipei City, Taiwan. Research findings were: (a) age of first dating was younger in recent 10 years than before; (b) among females, the linear analyses for trend were significant for all sexual behavior whereas among males, only three of them were significant, and the biggest increase in rate was coitus among females from year 1988 to 1998; (c) coitus rates were significantly higher for males than for females in all years except for 2007, but there was no gender difference in year 2007; (d) differences between heavy petting and coitus were significantly larger among females than males in all years, suggesting that the traditional “virginity concept” might still exert some influence on sexual behavior decision-making; (e) hugging and kissing rates were close, suggesting the two might be paralleled in terms of dating stages. Social development emphasizing autonomy and self determination as well as gender education movement in recent years might have contributed to the changes of sexual behavior among youth.

college students, dating, intimate relationship, sex behavior, trend analysis.

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