26-5 The Marital Adjustment of the Hearing-impaired

This study investigated the important and essential aspects of marital adjustment of the hearing-impaired. Five married adults (2 males and 3 females, aged between 28 and 38) with hearing impairment and children participated in this study. Data collected through semi-structured interviews were analyzed by using the open-ended rules in the qualitative method. The results and discussion of this study were presented as three parts. First, the stories of these hearing-impaired adults’ marriage adjustment were briefly described. Second, essential aspects of the interviewees’ marriage adjustment were identified as interaction and communication between the couple, child-raising, and in-law relationship. Third, the barriers and solutions of communication about the aspects of marriage adjustment were discussed. Finally, based on the results and discussion of this study, suggestions were proposed for the hearing-impaired, professionals, and future research.

marital adjustment, the hearing-impaired.

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