2001 10-5 Negative Mood Regulation, Anxiety, Social Support, Life Events and Suicide ldeations in Adolescence

The object of this research is to figure out how negative mood regulation and anxiety influence the suicide ideations in adolescence. The 309 adolescence were asked to complete the Negative mood regulation scale, social evaluation anxiety scale, social support scale, life events inventory and suicide ideations questionnaire. The resuits demonstrate that: (1) The more life events the stronger suicide ideations (r=.39 p< .001). (2) The social support scale has two factors: information social support and emotional social support. Those two factors has significant correlation with suicide ideations(r=-.19 p< . 01 and r=-.17 p<.01). The more social support they get, the less suicide ideations they have. (3) The anxiety scale has two factors: self-evaluation anxiety and others-evaluation anxiety. But the suicide ideation just has significant correlation with other-evaluation anxiety (r=.27 p<.001). (4) The negative mood regulation scale also has two factors: cognitive-behaviors regulation and emotional response regulation. But the suicide ideation just has significant correlation with emotional response regulation (r= -.30 p< .001). (5) Life events, emotional response regulation, information social support and others-evaluation anxiety can effectively predict the suicide ideations. They can explain 22% of the suicide ideations in adolescence by the stepwise regression analysis. (6) There divided four groups according the
score of negative mood regulation scale and anxiety scale: control group, autonomy group, nervous group and easy group. The life events has significant correlation with suicide ideation in autonomy group, nervous group and easy group. The higher correlation ( r =.61 p<.01) in the nervous group. The social support has significant correlation with suicide ideation only in nervous group. (7) There also divided four groups according the score of life events inventory m;id social support scale. The negative mood regulation has significant correlation with suicide ideations only in high life events and low social support group. There is no correlation between anxiety , negative mood regulation and suicide ideations in other group.

adolescence, suicide, ideation, negative, emotional, regulation anxiety


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