8-5 The Effects of Peer Counseling Program : A Case of Changhua Senior High School

The peer counselors graduated from Changhua senior high school returned to school to help students every summer and winter vacation since June, 1991. The research purpose was to investigate the effects of this peer counseling program. Three kinds of effects were selected for investigation. There were peer counselors’ training effects (The indices were empathy,counseling knowledge, personal needs and self growth), peer counseling effects on class (The index was peer counseling effects on class.) and peer counseling e叮ects on high school freshmen (The index was peer counseling effects on high school freshmen.). The instruments were empathy inventory, counseling knowledge test,college students' personal needs inventory, self growth questionnaire, peer counseling effects on class questionnaire and peer counseling effects on high school freshman questionnaire. The subjects were consisted of 45 peer counselors and 2700 Changhua senior high school students. The major findings were as follows:
Peer counselors’ training effects: The counselors' training had positive effects. The experiment peer counselors’ empathy technique and counseling knowledge were better than control group. Three of the twelve needs of experiment peer counselors were significantly different from control group: inferiority, achievement and ascendancy needs. Regarding self growth, peer counselors reported the counseling training and counseling process enhanced their personal growth and confidence, and they were more willing to face problems and help people.
Peer counseling effets on class: Needs survey: Students showed they need most were school work and career counseling.Mid-test: Students showed that peer counselors had positive effects on study climate and cohesiveness of class.Post-test: The results showed that 90% of students were satisfied with peer counselors and more than 70% of students responding that peer counselors enhanced study climate and cohesiveness in class. Peer counselors helped most to students were school work and career counseling. Students were moved by peer counselors’ enthusiastic helping.
Peer counseling effects on high school freshmen: The results showed that there were more than 80% of freshmen liked activities held by peer counselors and 93% of students were satisfied with the high school freshmen training program. The freshmen got more acquired with new environment and aware of educational purpose of senior high schools.

peer counseling, peer counseling program, senior high school student

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