7-4 A study in the development of military personality inventory and the relationship between the military adjustment

The purposes of this study were: 1.To develop a predictive inventy which cansignificant explain maladapted military life. 2.To understand how enlist men’s personality effect their military adaptation. Data were collected from a sample of 1078 enlist men and the result were: There were six scales of maladapted military personality inventories which were "self-close"  "depression"  "aggression" "anxiety" "self-center"and " imperious",The alpha coefficient was .74- .88, Total alpha
coefficient was.90. The validity was significant, p<.01. Six personality inventories can predict 67.9% enlist men's adjustment, and their enlist attitude and personality can predict 73.9% military adaptation. Especially “ anxiety’, scale relate to military adaptation r=759, the prediction was 57.6%.

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