7-5 Policemen’s perceptions of psychological problems and community resources

The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological problems and related community resources based on policemen's own perceptions. On a list of 14 psychological problems, 395 policemen were asked how often they perceived their colleagues have experienced and how much they knew of available related community resources. Findings of the study were as following:
1.The most common psychological problems found among the policemen were work stress, health problem, emotional problem, intimate relational problem, and parentchild relational problem.
2.A high percentage of policemen had a poor knowledge of available related community resources. At least half of the respondents stated that there were no community resource available for the following problems: unfit as a policemen, selfdefeating or suicidal behavior, substance abuse, mental illness, financial problem, intimate relational problem, conduct problem, and marital problem.
3.Low ranking policemen tended to perceive that health and marital problems were common among the policemen. High ranking police officers tended to perceive that peer relational problem was common among the policemen.
4.In comparison to high ranking police officers, the line policemen perceived less related community resources available for relational problems. The lower is the policemen's rank, the less knowledge of community resource available for selfdefeating and suicidal behaviors.
Implications and suggestions for policemen counseling and assistance and future research were also discussed.

Counseling policemen, Psychological problems, Community resource

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