4-4 Investigation on Practicum Counselors’ Attitudes toward the Aged, Expectation about Aging Life and Interest and Related Training in Counseling of Aging

To educate professional counselors in aged counseling, the purpose of this study was to understand practicum counselors' attitudes toward the aged, interest in aged counseling, professional training and expecta- tion about aging life.
Seviors in guidance department in National Changhua University of Education were as subjects.
Through in-depth interview and inductive analysis, the main findings were as fellows:
1. the attitudes toward the aged Their attitudes were different,including positive, negative and both.
2. The plans for aging life The subject thought the core of the aged’s life wasn’t career
anymore,but they can still develop other ways in life. The most impor- tant thing was health and living independently. They thought one needs to make plans for aging life, develop interest and find the core of life.
3. The attituddes toward a happy aged Health is the most important thing to be a happy aged. Others include regular residence, spouse or companies, having their own intereats, goals of life, facing the fact of being old and prepare for death.
4. The attitudde toward problems of the aged Physical, psychological, economic, residential, parents-children problems were included. Besides, the aged would face the some problems
occur in other stages of life development.
5. The attitude toward retirement
Positive and negative attitudes were included. The former meant the aged were free after retirement, they have much more time to do what they want to do. The negative meant the aged would lost the core of life after retirement, lose one's position and authority, and be no more influence and productivity.
6. The attitudes toward aging life
Subjects said they would associate the aged with their own aging life in the future. Subjects emphasized the importance of health. They hoped they could have healthy body when they were old. Others thought they should prepare for aging life before retirement or being old.
7. The internet in aged counseling
Half of the sub扣cts would like to do aged counseling because the aged were worth caring. The others thought they were more interested in other clients. Unless it was necessary, they wouldn’t counsel the aged . Because they didn't think they understood the aged. Besides , they hoped to work in a school in the future.
8. Related professional training
Most subjects said they were not familiar with related knowledge. They got few related knowledge in frofessional training, and they worried if they could counsel the aged.
According to the results, suggestions on counselors, professional training and further researches were provided.

Aged 、 Counseling of Aging

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