4-7  A Study on the Relationships Between the Hill Verbal Interaction and the Group Effect and Its Related Factor

The purpose of this study was to examine : (1) the categories of verbal interaction between the leaders' and the members' of the group ;(2) the differences of verval interaction in the group process ;(3) the relationships between the process outcome and the group outcome ; ( 4) the relationships between the verbal interaction of the leaders' and the members' of the group ; ( 5) the therapeutic effects of verbal interaction as measured by the Hill Interaction Matrix. The results were as follows :
1. there were partial differences in verbal interaction of the content style,the work style, and the four qradrant, both within each of the four sessions and in all sessions;
2. significant positive correlations were found between process outcome and group outcome on the Self-Evaluation Scale;
3. partially significant positive correlations were found on leaders' and members' verbal interacion of 16 categories and signifi-cant positive correlations were found on learders' and members' verbal interaction of the four quadrant and all sessions;
4. partially significant correlations were found between the members' verbal interaction and the process outcome;
5. partially significant correlations were found between the members' verbal interaction and the group outcome;
6. the summation of the members' verbal interaction can partially predict the process outcome;
7. the process outcome can significantly predict the group outcome;
8. the summation of the members' verbal interaction and the process outcome can partially predict the group outcome.
Based on the results and findings, suggestions and recommendations were made for practical counseling work and future study.

verbal interaction; group effect

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