3-2 A Study of Undergraduate Paracounselors’ Experience of Practicum

The purpose of this study was to explore the practicum experience of undergraduate level from students' perception by structured interview of qualitative research.
The participants of this study were 25 voluntary undergraduate students who came from guidance department of 11 universities and colleges.
The results indicated that modeling, role-play, couseling the real clients were the efficient methods to learn process skills; IPR, peers/feedback, and to be counseled were good for personalization skills learningconceptualization skills are hard to access by undergraduate level, but demonstration and case recording writing could help conceptualization skills learning. The undergraduate need goals to be substantial, contents to be structured, training to be systematized and practice with high-structured supervision. They regard the limitations of the efficacy of practicum are: lack of live supervision, supervision without developmental consideration, task too difficult, role confusion, teachers lack of child/juvenile counseling experience, supervisor overloading and unreasonable credets. The most urgent needs for the undergraduate are: teachers, coaches, and consultants roles' function within supervision. The paracounselors who evaluated the experience of practicum positively, committed themselves to the profession easilywho evaluated the experience of practicum negatively, thought about change career. The experience of practicum effect the career choice deeply.

Undergraduate paracounselor, Experience of practicum, Purpose, Content and Method of practicum teaching, Practicum efficacy.


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