3-6 The effects and influence contents of music on reducing state-anxiety of college students before examination

The purpose of this study was to understand effects of sedative music on reducing state- anxiety of college students before examination. The samples of this study were 185 students from National Changhua University of Education and China Medical College. Quasiexpermental design was adpoted. "Music Preference Questionnaire" and ”Members Feelings Questionnaire" were developed by researcher and used to understand subjects' feeling and thought. ”Test Anxiety Scale" and ”Revised State-Trait Anxiety Inventory" were used to measure subjects’ level of anxiety. Quantitative data were analyzed by one way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA. Data from questionnaires were analyzed inductively.
The findings were as follows:
1. Sedative music can reduce state anxiety of college studeants before examination: Levels of state-anxiety in experimental group which listened to music before final examination were significantly lower than levels in control group.
2. Subjects’ music preference were not factors of reducing state anxiety: Response on’ , State Anxiety Inventory" were not significantly different between those who prefered the music type and those who didn’t.
3. As a whole, most of the subjects thought music can reduce intensive emotions and helped them prepare examination calmly.

Music、State anxiety before examination

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