27-1 Help-Seeking Process and Influential Factors among Clients with Depressed Mood

The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the process of help-seeking and its influential factors among clients with depressed mood. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews with five participants. The results were as follows:

  1. Help seeking is a time-consuming and complicated decision-making process. On average, participants began seeking professional help a year after they first en- countered the problem.

  2. Three stages were identified in the help-seeking process. First, in the awareness stage, clients detected their depressed mood through self-awareness and feedback from environment. Second, in the decision stage, severity of problems and type of coping strategies were the important decision factors. Finally, in the action stage, experience of a positive therapeutic relation led some clients to new awareness and changes, and to the consideration that counseling is an effective method of ad- dressing depression.

Discussion of the findings provides suggestions for counselors, mental health institu- tions and researchers in the field of mental health.

depressed mood、help-seeking process

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