27-4 The Resilience of Young Adults Experiencing Inter-Parental Marital Violence and Child Maltreatment

Based on the concept of resilience, this study aimed to understand the process through which young adults overcame the adversity of experiencing both parental marital violence and child maltreatment during childhood. Qualitative method and semi-structured guidelines were employed to interview six young adults. Research participants were aged between 22 and 27 years old. They were recruited mainly by advertisements posted in BBS in 2005. Research results indicated that most participants experienced parental marital violence and child maltreatment since early age. Their life stories are presented to show their unique strengths that enabled them to overcome this adversity. Several themes emerged from the research results, including positive self-concept and positive thinking, self-awareness and knowledge how to handle feelings, support from significant others, determination, effort, and the opportunity to leave violent homes. The interaction of these multiple protective systems helped the research participants cope with the dual-violence’s impact and overcome these disadvantaging experiences. The need for interventions addressed at young adults experiencing dual violence during childhood was highlighted in this study.

child abuse、marital violence、resilience


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