27-6 A Narrative Approach on the Career Development of International Senior Trainers in a Multinational Company

This study aimed to illustrate the career development process of the trainers and the organizational context in shaping their development.

The study used a narrative approach to collect data derived from the interviews with three female senior trainers in a multinational company. The narrative analysis demon- strated that: (1) the female trainers did not choose training as their career goal at first; they gradually taught themselves and developed career foundations through the interaction with work and organizational contexts. (2) The development processes were categorized as ex- ploration, fitting, foundation, expansion, and maturation. (3) The process of their career development was also a journal of self-discovery. (4) Informing and educating employees and connecting learning and performance was the motivation to persist on their profes- sional career. (5) The attitude and personality of the female trainers were the driving force to success. (6) Career-based human resource development activities, cross-border career opportunities, and the supportive organizational culture were the most important factors that shaped the career development of the senior female trainers.

Finally, suggestions for practice and future research based on the study’s findings are are discussed.

career development、multinational company、narrative research、senior trainer

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