28-4 The Effects of a systematic training model for group leaders advanced training

A systematic model, designed by the researcher, is aimed to develop the cognitive competence of a group leader by teaching leadership strategies according to the tasks of a group developing stage. The impact of training on a group leader’s self-efficacy, intentions and focuses, and skills were examined in this study.

Participants consisted of 8 trainees and 34 members who were volunteers in the study. Trainees were doctorate students and members were from communities. Each pair of trainees co-led a ten-week long unstructured group, during which time they received training and live supervision based on this training model. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were applied for data collecting and analysis. Trainees demonstrated significant higher scores in post-test than pre-test of Group Leader Self-Efficacy Instrument (GLSI). Between pre and post training, focuses and intentions and skills were significantly different both in amount and distribution of frequencies. After training, the leaders appeared more active and mature in their leadership than before. In addition, members of four groups reached an average score of 5.07 on Involvement Subscale of The Group Climate Questionnaire-Short (GCQ-S), and the scores shape a curved line that matches the theoretical development of a group process and previous research findings.

Because of the limitations and delimitations of the research methods, a tentative conclusion was drawn that this training model was significantly effective in developing a leader’s self-efficacy and in increasing the positive changes in leading simulated group sessions. Discussions and suggestions for training of group counselors and researchers in the future were proposed.

instruction, group counseling, group counselor, lab, leader, supervision, training model, training


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