28-6 Structure characteristics of psychological displacement and its dialectical phenomenon: Narratives of the multidimensional self

The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of using the personal pronouns I, you, and he in the psychological displacement practice and the short term di- alectic effect of psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing (PDPD). Thirty- four participants were invited to spend two weeks writing in a diary about the events that occurred in a day through the perspectives of using the personal pronouns of I, you, and he, respectively. The participants were invited to be part of a focus group for narrating their writing experiences in PDPD.

The consensual qualitative research approach and grounded theory research method were used to analyze the data from seven focus groups. The results suggested that the nature of different perspectives demonstrate various meanings while people in the triad self structure represented various psychological positions. The results also suggest that the dialectic effect of diary writing in this manner produced superior self-awareness out of an emotional disquiet and emotional clarity for a readiness for a plan of action. Impli- cations of the dialectic effect of PDPD for counseling and psychotherapy are discussed.

psychological displacement, self, diary-writing, expressive writing

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