2009 20-6 An Investigation in Communication of Sex between single parent and the adolescence

Chang Yun-Chung

Dr. Lin,Yen-Chin

Taiwan Fund For Children and Families-Kaohsiung County Center

Shu-Te University

Τhe aim of this study is to investigate the situation of communication related to sexual issues between single parents and adolescent children and the influence of related factors. The main conclusions of the research were as follows:
1. The gender of single parent had a prominent effect in both the intimacy of the parent and adolescent children and the physical condition of adolescence. The marriage status of the single parent may cause the differences of the sexual attitude, the allow- ance of sexual behaviors before marriage, and the physical condition of adolescence.
2. Single parents who had more positive attitude toward sex regarding their adolescent children will also gain a more positive communication about the social issues relating to sex, and will talk to child about the opposite sex and social issues relating to sex much more frequently.
3. As to the effect of communication regarding sex by single parents, we found that there were five items as predicting factors: gender, the virtual secondary schools and colleges, the range of permission of having sex before marriage, contraception and venereal disease. And among them, gender had the largest contribution in prediction.
4. Most single parents were unwilling to ask for help from the relatives from the family of his or her ex-wife or ex-husband, in that case, the social workers can offer very lit- tle help. There was still a considerable margin for the social workers to work harder in helping the single parent families.

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