2004 15-5 Intergenerational Ambivalent Experiences of Couples: “His” Ambivalent Experiences? "Her" Ambivalent Experiences?

Chia-Yu Wu

National Tsing Hua University


The purpose of this research is to investigate the intergenerational ambivalent experiences of married male and female descents. In-depth interview of qualitative approach and paired research method were adopted. After interviewing 10 participants in five couples, the similarities and differences of their intergenerational ambivalent experiences were integrated. The m吋or findings are summarized as following:
For a male descent, he felt contradictions of “being trusted or taking responsibility”and “wanting to do but hasn’t enough ability to do” when he had interactions with his original family. He made effort to merge into his wife’s family, but they did not view him as one of them • and he had contractions of “self-willing or role norm ” when living with his parents-in-law. Finally, He had “loyalty conflicts" between his original family and his married family. These phenomena are the most evident common experiences.
For a female descent, she felt contradictions of “culture norm or affectionate in- timacy" when she had interactions with his parents and parents-in-law. She had con- tractions of “self-willing or role norm ” when living with her parents-in-law. Finally,she had “loyalty conflict" between different family systems. These phenomena are the most common intergenerational ambivalent experiences of female descents.
The contributions of the results are discussed and further researches are also suggested.

couple, intergenerational relationship, intergenerational am- bivalence, paired research


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