2004 16-2 The learning experiences of participating in an emotional management course - for students in a military college

Shu-hua Cheng
Fu Hsing Kang College

The research showed that the personal ability in emotional management was related to his/her performance in work. In addition, the research in the military alsoshowed that soldiers were used to repress their emotion. Therefore, the pu中ose of this research was to understand those members' learning experiences of participating in an emotional management course and draft an emotional management course in order to help soldiers improve their EQ ability. Based on this pu叩ose, this course was draft with two themes (body perception and cognitive examination ) and twelve group units to educate members to develop their body and sense, aware their emotion, and realize the sources of their emotion and stress through cognitive examination. In the meantime, they could also learn how to relax themselves in proper ways.
The researcher used observation, focus group interview and material analysis to collect data. The research sample was 26 students in a military college and some re-suits are:
1. After training, members reknew themselves from their body, and realized its relationship with emotional management.
2. Members gradually sensed the tense and relaxation of their body and some members even perceived their own change.
3. Members resensed their own inhalation and exhalation, and felt that those were very new and happy experiences.
4. The course developed the members' sensation, and they found the importance of the human’s facial expression in the interpersonal interaction.
5. From the group processes, the researcher found individual member’s differences in their performance probably because of personal traits, gender, or the extent of self-disclosure.
In addition. The research also addressed the research limitations and suggestionsfor the course revision based on the course content, member’s differences, the group follow-up effects and ethical issues, etc.


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