2001 9-3 The Study of Freshmen’s Learning and Study Strategies and Its Relevant Factors at a Military Academy

Yi-Nan Teng
Chung-Cheng Institute of Technology

The study aimed to investigate the freshmen’s learning and study strategies at Chung-Cheng Institute of Technology (CCIT)- a military academy. For the first research purpose, the comparison of pretest and posttest was conducted to identify the freshmen’s change of learning and study strategies during the freshman-year at a military academy. The second purpose was to examine the correlations between learning and study strategies and academic achievement, as well as learning and study strategies and mental health respectively.

The subjects were all the freshmen of CCIT in 1998. There were 368 useable questionnaires obtained. The instruments were Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) for undergraduates, and Zung’s self-administrated Anxiety Scale (S.A.S.) & Zung’s self-administrated Depression Scale (S.D.S.). Findings of the study were as following:

1.There were significant differences between pretest and posttest on the level of learning and study strategies. Generally speaking, the subscales’ degrees of posttest were better than those of posttest except one (of eleven subscales)一“learning attitude" subscale.

2.There were no significant interactions between cadets of two-year system and four-year system on the LASSI pretest’s and posttest’s level. Generally speaking,the LASSI level of cadets on two-year system and four-year system were very similar.

3.There was no significant correlation between the LASSI pretest and academic achievement of the first semester.

4.There were significant correlations between the LASSI posttest and academic achievement of the second semester; so were between the LASSI posttest and academic achievement of the first semester.

5. lt is strongly correlated between the LASSI posttest and cadets’ mental health.

6.The “host tutor system” showed freshmen’s significant improvement on five of eleven LASSI subscales. They were motivation, anxiety, concentration, selecting key points and self-examination. Obviously, those who joined the host tutor system performed better than those who didn’t on the five subscales.

Suggestions for study guidance and future research were provided based on the findings of the study.

military academy, freshman, learning and study strategy, academic achievement, host-tutor


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