1994 2-6 Self-injurious Behavior and Mental health

Wen-Yan Hsu* En-Chang Wu Su-Wann Hwu Chia-Ying Ueng
*National Cheng-Chi University National Taiwan University

To provide the basis of prevention of high-risking student, it is necessary to develop the「Inventory of screening self-injurious behavior.」Mental health and self-injurious behavior is contrast, health student doesn't hurt himself. So, this research also detect relationship between self-injurious behavior and psychological well being. The sample consists of 1299 junior high school, and 1132 high school students. Research results include the following : (1)「Inventory of screening self-injurious behavior」 has acceptable internal consistency and stability. (2) Self-injurious behavior is positively correlated with daily hassels, life events, and disorted death concept, but negatively relates the coping and system of social support. (3) The student has good coping skill is seen to be closely linked to many support systems, satisfactory perception of support, and fewer daily hassels. According to theses results, this research emphasizes the importance of improving the coping ability and functions of social support, is one of the best ways to prevent self-injurious behavior.

self-injurious behavior, mental health


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