1997 5-1 The Development of the Career Orientation Inventory for the Senior High School Students

Hsin-Tai Lin Shun-Ren Jin
National Taiwna Normal University 

The concept of career anchor integrates a person's values, motivates, talents, and other psychological properties that represents one's real self for which the person will not give up in their life. It is a person's self-image of what he or she excels in, wants, and values. The Career Orientation Inventory was developed, based on Schein's career anchor model, to investigate senior high school students' self-image in terms of career orientation.
A 90-item Inventory was construcred based on literature review and interview data. The items were written in the four-point Likert's format. Two hundred and forty-nine students from five senior high schools in Taiwan were selected as pretest samples. Results of item analysis with oblimin rotation method obtained eight favtors thay accounted for 43.5% of the varience, namely as technical/professional function, security/stability, leadership/management, automony/independence, interpersonal relationship, status/prestige, pure challenge, and self-actualization. Preliminary study on the inventory's reliabilities showed the test-retest correlation coefficients ranged from .57 to .86 with the median of .75. The Cronbach alpha coefficients ranged from .58 to .90 with the median of .72. Concurrent validity coefficients showed positive results which indicated support for the inventory's validity.

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