2003年3月 13-4團體諮商歷程中領導者意圖與聚焦之分析研究
一、意圖共計490 個,以內容分析法予以區分意圖類別共得37 細類,再次歸類成12 個主要意圖類別,分別是: 1. 表達支持。2.處理情緒。3 .增強與協助個人改變。4.促進洞察。5. 形成與推進個人目標。6 .獲取資訊與評估。7.訓練人際技巧。8. 建立團體文化。9.促進團體提聚力。10.催化團體歷程。11.滿足領導者的需求。12. 其他。
二、領導者聚焦在「團體歷程」的意圖有隨著團體的進展逐漸減少的情形, 而聚焦在「個別成員」則隨著團體的進展而逐漸增加的情形。
關鍵字 參考書目 沈湘縈(民81)。諮商歷程之認知研究摘述:J. Martin 認知中介典範之介紹。測驗與輔導,III,2226-2231。 陳雅英(民84)。印象深刻事件中當事人意圖知覺與當事人內隱反應之分析研究。國立台灣師範大學教育心理與輔導研究所碩士論文。 賀孝銘、陳均妹(民83)。當事人對諮商員意圖之知覺及其諮商效果之關聯。國立彰化師範大學諮商歷程研究學術研討會論文集,192-233。 張景然、吳芝儀譯(民84)。團體諾商的理諧與實務。台北:揚智。 劉安真、黃慧涵、梁淑娟、顏妃伶譯(民84)。團體諮商-策略與技巧。台北:五南。 鄭至雅(民88)。諮商歷程中諮商員意圖清晰能力對諮商員態慮情緒與諾商效果的影響-以台北市義務張老師為例。中原大學心理研究所碩士論文。 鄭玉英(民83)。諮商員的黑盒子一諮商意圖。諮商與輔導,106,5-9。 Berardi Clark, M. F. (2001). An investigation of the cognitive process of group leaders' intentions. Doctor dissertation, Indiana University. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, 11 A. Elliott, R. (1979). How clients perceive helper behavior. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 26, 285-294. Fuller, F. & Hill, C. E. (1985). Counselor and helpee perceptions of counselor intentions in relation to outcome in a single counseling session. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32(3), 329-338. Gelso, C. J., Hill, C. E., & Kivlighan, D.M. (1991) .Transference, insight, and the counselor's intentions during a counseling hour. Journal of counseling & Development, 69 , 428-433. Goodman, G., & Dooley, D. A. (1976). A framework for help-intended communication. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 13, 106-117. Hamer, R. J. ( 1995). Counselor intentions: A critical review of the literature. Journal of counseling and Development, 73, 259-270. Hill, C. E., Helms, J.E., Spiegel, S. B., & Tichenor, V. (1988). Development of a system for categorizing client reactions to therapist interventions. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 35(1), 27-36. Hill, C. E. & 0 'Grady, K. E. ( 1985). List of therapist intentions illustrated in a case study and with therapists of varying theoretical orientations. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32(1), 3-21. Horvath,A O.,Marx, R. W., & Kamann, A. M. ( 1990). Thinking about thinking in therapy: An examination of clients' understanding of their therapists' intentions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58, 614-621. Kelly, K. R., Hall, A. S, & Miller, K. L. ( 1989). Relation of counselor intention and anxiety to brief counseling outcome. Journal of Counseling & Development, 36(2), 158-162. Kivlighan D. M. (1989). Changes in counselor intentions and response modes and in client reactions and session evaluation after training. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 36(4), 471-477. Kivlighan, D. M. (1990). Relation between counselors’ use of intentions and clients' perception of working alliance. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 37( 1), 27-32. Kivlighan, D. M., & Angelone, E. 0. (1991). Helpee introversion, novice counselor intention use, and helpee-rated session impact. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 38(1), 25-29. Martin, J., Martin, W., & Siemon, A. G. (1989). Cognitive-mediational model of action-act sequences in counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 36, 8-16. Stiles, W. B. (1987). Some intentions are observable. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34(2), 236-239. Stiles, W. B., Startup, M., Hardy,G. E., Barkam, M., Rec.A., Shapiro, D. A. & Reynolds, S. (1996). Therapist session intentions in cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43(4), 402-414. Trotzer, J.P. (1999). The counselor and the group: Integrating theory, training, and practice( 4th). Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis. Ward, D. E. (1985). Levels of group activity: A model for improving the effectiveness of group work. Journal of counseling and development, 64, 59-64. Yalom, I. D. ( 1995). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy(5th). New York: Basic Books. |