1998年12月 6-3 當諮商新手遇見兒童個案:一個探索性的研究

王麗斐 王文秀 羅明華
國立台中師範學院 國立新竹師範學院 國立台中師範學院



王文秀(1998, 9 月)。諮商員被督導經驗與專業枯竭關係之分析研究。論文發表於中國心理學八十七年年會,台北市。
江文瑜( 1997, 3 月)。私人溝通。
吳秀碧(1994)。學士級準諮商員諮商實習教學目標之探討。輔導季刊, 30(3),13-16 。
吳秀碧與梁翠梅( 1995)。學士級準諮商員諮商實習經驗之探討。中華輔導學報,3,41-56 。
林美珠( 1996 )。IPR諮商員的精微訓練。「寫意」北區大學院校輔導諮詢中心通訊,7,3 。
林美珠、蔡億萍、與王麗斐( 1997)。我國國小輔導人員對「諮詢」概念認知之初探。申華輔導學報, 5,119-149 。
劉淑慧( 1995 ) 。準諮商員實習表現評量表編制。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫(編號NSC 84-2413-H-018-009 )。
Baruth, L. g., manning, M. L. (1991 ). Multicultural counseling and psychology: A life perspective. NY: Merri 11.
Corey, G, Corey, M., Callanan, P. (1993). Issues and ethics in the helping professions (4th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Friedlander, M. L., Keller, K. E., Peca-Baker, T. A., & Olk, K. E. (1986). Effects of role conflict on counselor trainees ’ self-statements, anxiety level, and performance. J ournαl of Counseling Psychology, 33, 73-77.
Friedman, S. C., & Gelso, C. J. (1997, August). The development of the Inventory of countertransference behavior. In J. Hayes (Chair), Exploring the therapist ’ s inner world-Current research on counterence. Symposium presented at the 105th convention of the APA, Chicago.
Hayes, J. A., & Gelso, C. J., Van Wagoner, S. L., & Diemer, R. A. (1991). Managing countertransference: What the experts think. Psychological Report, 69, 139-148.
Hayes, J. A., Riker, J. R., & Ingram, K. M. (1997). Countertransference behavior and management in brief counseling: A field study. Psychotherapy Research, 7, 145-153.
Heppner, P. P., Kivlghan, D. M., & Wampold, B. E. (1992). Research design in counseling. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Hill , C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517-572.
Hoag, M . J., & Burlingame, G. M. (1997). Evaluating the effectiveness of child and adolescent group treatment: A meta analytic review. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26, 234-246.
Kaczmarek, P. G,& Wagner, W. G. (1994). Future training requirements for counseling psychologists: Competence with children. The Counseling Psychologist, 22, 426-443.
Kazdin, A. E. (1993). Psychotherapy for children and adolescents: Current progress and future research directions. American Psychologists, 48, 644-657.
McClure, B. A., & Hodge, R. W. (1987).Measuring countertransference and attitude in therapeutic relationships. Psychotherapy, 24, 325-335.
Mahrer, A. R. ( 1988). Discovery-oriented psychotherapy research. American Psychologist, 43, 694-702.
Stern, M., & Newland, L. M. (1994). Counseling with children: Providing a framework for the roles of counseling psychologists. The Counseling Psychologist, 22, 402-425.
Stotlenberg, C. D., & Del worth, U. (l 987). Supervising counselors and therapists: A developmentαl approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Buss Inc, Publishers.
Wagner, W. G. (1994). Counseling with children: An opportunity for tomoηow. The Counseling Psychologist, 22, 381-401.
Woolsey, L. K.(1986) . The critical incident technique: An innovative qualitative method of research. Cαnadiαn Journal of Counseling, 20, 242-254.
