21-3 Leisure Education Experiments to Enhance Resiliency by Using the BBM Model

Ophelia L. J. Chuang Yi-Chung Hsu
Taipei Physical Education College National Dong Hwa University

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate a recreational service model, the benefits-based management (BBM), as well as to introduce its concept, theoretical framework, application, procedures, and its implications for leisure education and counseling fields. This paper presented two BBM experiments for leisure education. The first was on the effects of a traditional drum art program in at-risk youth. The second was on the effects of a rock-climbing program in aboriginal youth. The results indicated that the first program could enhance adolescents' resiliency, independence and insight, while the second program enhances independence. The present study proposed ways to enhance validity and reliability of experimental studies, including specific program design guidelines and experimental procedures. Furthermore, this study suggested that future researchers should encompass the BBM model to expand the scope of leisure education studies, and urged the emergence of establishing Taiwan BBM training manual through inter-disciplinary collaboration. Finally, several implications were presented and discussed for future research, leisure education as well as counseling fields.

leisure education, resiliency, drum-art, rock-climbing, ANCOVA


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