30-2 The Experience of Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the "Taiwanese Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Prevention Center" between the Professions of Counseling and Social Work-Reflection on the Counseling Profession from the Perspectives

Interdisciplinary cooperation is the future trend of professional counseling service. This study began at researchers' experiences with their internship application to the Taiwanese Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Prevention Center (DVSAPC); furthermore, the Taiwanese government and public sectors were often ignored in counseling psychology training. Secondly, previous studies indicated that counselors' experiences of working with the DVSAPC, the negotiation existed between the counseling psychology and social work and the social resource were not fully utilized. This study was designed to understand interdisciplinary cooperation and the expectation of social workers. Data from four social workers who work with the population of domestic violence and sexual abuse were collected through semi-structured interviews. They shared their experience of cooperation with counselors. The result of this study demonstrated that: First, from social workers' perspectives, the cooperation between counseling and social work profession includes (a) the beginning stage and how interdisciplinary cooperation developed, (b) current referral system of counseling service and (c) the observation and reflection of the interdisciplinary cooperation. Second, from social workers' perspectives, the expectation of interdisciplinary cooperation includes (a) developing the cooperation procedure to discuss the counseling progress, (b) expecting counselors to develop mutual trust with social workers and supervision structure. And third, from social workers' perspectives of development of the counseling profession, they expect counselors to join in the social work culture. Finally, researchers will discuss the results and reflected on the practice of community counseling. The implications of future research in interdisciplinary cooperation and counseling practice will also be presented.

social work、counseling psychology、interdisciplinary cooperation、Taiwan

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