25-4 The Effects of Positive Emotional Intervention on Emotional Intelligence, Life-adjustment and Well-being in Elementary School Students

This study explored the effectiveness of the intervention of positive emotional education for elementary school students on their emotional intelligence, life-adjustment and well-being. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. Thirty children with life-adjustment problems from one elementary school were randomly selected to participate. They were randomly assigned to the treatment group and the alternative treatment group. The treatment group participated in 16-session (twice a week, 40 minutes per session) of positive emotional education while the control group received original group guidance treatment. Three outcome measures were administered at pretest, post-test, and follow-up test: the Emotional Intelligence Inventory for Children, Children Life-adjustment Scale, and Children Well-being Inventory. Results showed the experimental group had greater gains in emotional intelligence, life-adjustment, and well being from pretest to posttest. Furthermore, the experimental group had significantly greater gains in emotional
intelligence, life-adjustment, and well-being from pretest to follow-up. Results of the present study can be of value to the research and practice of children education and psychotherapy and especially to children with life-adjustment problems.

educational intervention, emotional intelligence, life- adjustment, well-being.

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