26-6 Using Narrative Therapy in Online Counseling to Join the Master of the Story in Re-Authoring Her Landscape of Life

The present study investigated to address how a counselor applies what she interprets as the essence of narrative therapy to accompany the master of the story to re-author her landscape of life. The objective of the study was aimed at seeing the effect of such counseling on the master of the story. In this research, the researcher was also the counselor.
The study recruited seven volunteer participants by email and the Internet message board and picked one of them after evaluation and counseling. From this selected participant five types of data were gathered. They are twenty-one word-for-word online counseling records, fifty emails, two certificates, three photographs, and an online story. During the research I analyzed the counseling dialog in terms of the overall content, and a method of narrative analysis.
The master of the story considered that the inquiries in the narrative therapy helped her contemplate the meaning from an objective point of view by distinguishing herself from the〝problems〞. Meanwhile, she was able to reconstruct this story teemed with problems through the special meaning of the branch story. In addition, the application of therapeutic documents, including e-mails, certificates, photos and online articles could also be reviewed again and again by the master of the story and she could record thread of thoughts in the process. The result of the study indicated that the narrative therapy can be applied to online counseling with real counseling relationship and effect.
Besides, I drew a re-written storyboard for her landscape of life and proposed the application of narrative therapy, online counseling and the direction of research in the future as well.

landscape of life, narrative therapy, online counseling/web counseling, the master of the story.


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