6-1 The impact of counselors’ supervised experiences on their coping with frustration as well as professional growth

The study aims to explore the impact of supervised experiences on twenty counselors' coping with frustration as well as their personal/professional growth. The results of the in-depth interview are as follow:
1.Among 20 supervisees, most of them had more highly regard to the supervision conducted at university settings rather than the social agency setting.
2.Most of the supervision process was focused on case management, supervisors' functions included instructing, information and advice giving, consulting, emotional supporting as well as helping counselors to be more insightful. Some supervisors did not perform their roles properly. Peer supervision was highly demanded yet poorly utilized.
3.Most of the supervision sessions were in group format and used as case conferences, on a weekly basis.
4.Supervisors conducted supervision sessions with different foci according to different developmental levels of supervisees.
5.Some of the frustration supervisees encountered were due to their lacking of confidence or having too many expectations toward themselves; the other part came from the environmental factors. Only one third of supervisees seek professional assistance from their supervisors.
6.Supervisors did help a lot in enhancing the personal as well as professional growth of their supervisees.
The implications of present study and suggestions for future researches are discussed.

Personal Growth, Supervised Experience, Professional Growth, Counselor, Frustration

王文秀(民78a ) : 當事人中心療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導,44, 2 -3 。
王文秀(民78b ):理性J情緒療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導,45,4-6 。
王文秀(民81 ) : 「發展性督導模式」之探討。諮商與輔導,81,2-5 。
王文秀(民84a ) :發展性督導模式對我國諮商員訓練之應用研究。華人心理學家學術研討會論文發表。中國心理學會。
王文秀(民84b) :發展性諮商督導模式在我國諮商員訓練之適用性研究。國科會專題研究計畫( NSC 84-2413-H-134 -005 )。
王文秀(民86 ): 諮商員被督導經驗與專業枯竭、個人專業成長及督導滿意度關係之分析研究。國科會專題研究計畫( NSC 86-2413 H-134-002 )。
王文秀(民87): 諮商督導歷程研究一諮商督導者之發展歷程與受督導者「最佳及最差被督導經驗」之整理與詮釋。國科會專題研究計畫( NSC 87-2413-H-134-003 )。
王智弘(民81 ):中部地區「張老師」實施團體督導現況調查研究。輔導學報,15 期, 189-231 。
王麗斐(民87 ) :兒童個別諮商經驗對諮商新手的挑戰:一個初探性研究。中國心理學會論文發表。
朱春林(民76 ): 督導行為與義務「張老師」工作滿足及工作續效的關係一因徑目標論之應用。東吳大學社會學研究所社會工作組碩士論文。
何麗儀(民83):行為取向的督導。諮商與輔導,98, 8- 11 。
吳秀碧(民81 ): 「Stoltenberg的督導模式」在我國準諮商員諮商實習督導應用之研究。輔導學報, 15 期。
吳秀碧(民83):美國當前諮商訓練督導的主要模式和類別。學生輔導通訊, 18期, l 1 -16 。
李玉蟬( 民85):個人中心治療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導, 121, 35 -38 。
李芳銘(民78 ): 志願工作者對督導認知極其滿意度之研究。東海大學社會工作研究所碩士論文。
林本喬(民70 ):諮商實習的督導及過程。輔導月刊, 17(3,4),39-45 。
梁翠梅(民85a ): 諮商督導訓練效果之研究以台灣區家庭教育服務中心義務督導員為例。國立彰化師範大學輔導研究所博士論文。
梁翠梅(民85b ):區辨模式在督導上的運用。諮商與輔導, 121,28-34 。
陳金燕(民79 ):與其評鑑不如落實督導制度。輔導月刊, 26(9,10),8-12 。
陳若璋(民83):我國各級學校輔導諮商員實施證照制之意見調查研究。國立彰化師範大學輔導學報, 17期, 33-72 。
陳錫銘(民81 ):諮商督導的模式及其架構。諮商與輔導, 78,7-1 3 。
許維素(民82a ) : 督導關係初探(上)。諮商與輔導,94,5-10。
許維素(民82b ):督導關係初探(下)。諮商與輔導, 95, 6-11。
葉貞屏(民82 ):心理治療取向的諮商督導。諮商與輔導,94,2-4 。
楊荊生(民75 ):督導者的角色與功能。輔導月刊, 23(3,4),16-20 。
楊淑蘭(民81a ) : 理性情緒治療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導, 80,2-6 。
楊淑蘭(民8lb ):理性情緒治療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導, 81,11-15 。
楊淑蘭(民8lc ) :理性情緒治療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導, 82,4-8 。
廖鳳池、王文秀、田秀蘭(民86) :兒童輔導原理。台北:心理出版社。
趙碧華(民71 ):臺灣省縣市社會工作員專業督導滿足之研究。東海大學社會學研究所社會工作組碩士論文。
鄭熙彥、林義男(民81 ): 我國學校輔導人員專業教育內容及其效果分析研究報告。教育部訓育委員會輔導工作六年計畫。
劉玉華(民83):督導制度在諮商與輔導過程中之重要性。諮商與輔導,98,12-13 。
蕭文、施香如(民84 ):循環發展的諮商督導模式建立之謂議。輔導季刊,31(2),34-40 。
蘇美機(民81 ): 督導員特性、督導實施狀況對義務「張老師」督導滿足之影響。東海大學社會工作研究所碩士論文。
Allen, G. J., Szoll , S . J., & Williams, B. E. (1986). Doctoral students' comparative evaluations of best and worst psychotherapy supervision. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, I 7, 91-99.
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision ( 1969). Committee on counselor effectiveness. Commitment to action in supervision: Report of a national survey of counselor supervision.
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (1985). ACES task force on supervision. ACES.
Baer, T. M., & Kivlighan, Jr., D. M. (1994). Single-subject examination of the process of supervision of beginning and advanced supervisees. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 25(4),450-457.
Bartlett, W. E.(1983). A multidimensional framework for the analysis of supervision of counseling. Counseling Psychologist,11(1), 9-17.
Bernard, J. M.(1992) . The challenge of psychotherapy-based supervision: Making the pieces fit. Counselor Education and Supervision, 31, 232-237.
Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K.( 1992). Fundamentals of clinical supervision. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Cherni ss, C. (1995). Beyond burnout: Helping teachers, nurses, therapists and lawyers recover from stress and disillusionment. New York: Routledge.
Cormier, S. & Cormier, B.( 1998). Interviewing strategies for helpers: Fundamental skills and cognitive behavioral interventions . (4'h ed., p.11). Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (1988, 1992, 1994). CACREP accreditation Standards and Procedures Manual. Alexander, VA: Author.
Cross, D. G., & Brown, D. ( 1983). Counselor supervision as a function of trainee experience: Analysis of specific behaviors . Counselor Education and Supervision, 22, 333-340.
Davis, A. H. (1989). Burnout and counselor practitioner expectations of supervision. Counselor Education and Supervision, 28, 234-241.
Edwards, D. ( 1997).Supervision today: The psychoanalytic legacy. In G. Shipton (Ed.) . Supervision of psychotherapy and counseling: Making a place to think. Open University Press.
Fineman, S. (1985). Social work stress and intervention. Aldershot, Gower.
Hawkins, P., & Shohet, R.(1993). Supervision in the helping professions: An individual, group and organizational approach. Open University Press.
Heppner, P. 0. & Roehlke, J.J.(1984 ). Differences among supervisees at different levels of training: Implications for a developmental model of supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31 (1), 76-90.
Hess, A. K. ( 1980) . Psychotherapy supervision: Theory, research and practice. New York: John Wiley.
Hill, C. E., Charles, D., & Reed, K. G. (1981). A longitudinal analysis of changes in counseling skills during doctoral training in counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 28, 428-436.
Huebner, E. S. (1992). Burnout among school psychologists: An exploratory investigation into its nature, extent, and correlates. Psychotherapy Patient, 5(34), 113-124.
Kagan, N. (1975). Influencing human interaction eleven years with IPR. Canadian Counselor; 9, 74-79.
Kagan, N. (1980). Influencing human interaction eighteen years with IPR. In A. K.
Hess (Ed.). Psychotherapy supervision: Theory, research and practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 262-286.
Leiter, M. (1991). The dream denied: Professional burnout and the constraints of human service organizations. Canαdian Psychology, 32(4), 547-555.
Lemons, S., & Lanning, W. E. (1979). Value system similarity and the supervisory relationship. Counselor Education and Supervision,19, 13-19.
May, K.M., & Sowa, C. J. (1992). The relationship between a counselor’s ethical orientation and the stress experienced in ethical dilemmas. Counseling and Values, 36, 150-159.
McNeill, B. W., Stoltenberg, C. D., & Pierce, R. A.(1985). Supervisees’ perceptions of their development: A test of the counselor complexity model. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32, 630-633.
Mia, R D., Tracey, T. J., Ray, P. B., Comfeld, J. L., O'Faell, M., & Gelson, C. J. (1983). Variation in supervision process across trainee experience levels. Journαl of Counseling Psychology, 30, 403-412. ·
Patton, M. Q.(1987). Creative evaluation. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Rabinowitz, F. E., Heppner, P. P., & Roehlke, H. J. (1986). Descriptive study of process and outcome variables of supervision over time. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33, 292-300.
Reising, G. N. , & Daniel s, M. H.(1983).A study of Hogan’s model of counselor development and supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 30, 235-244.
Rock, M. H. (1997). Psychodynamic supervision: Perspectives of the supervisor and the supervisee. New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc.
Stickel, S. A.(1991, February). A study of burn-out and job satisfaction among rural school counselors. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Boston, MA.
Stoltenberg, C.(1981 ). Approaching supervision from a developmental perspective. The counselor complexity model. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 28, 59-65.
Stoltenberg, C.D., & Delworth, U.( 1987). Supervising counselors and therapists: A developmental approach. San Francisco, Calif. Jossey-Buss.
Stoltenberg, C. D., Pierce, R. A., & McNeil, B. W.( 1987). Effects of experience on counselor trainees' needs. The Clinical Supervisor, 5(5), 23-32.
Talbot, N.L.( 1995). Unearthing shame in the supervision. American Journal of Psychotherapy. 49(3), 338-349.
Wang, W.H. (1993). A descriptive study of the training and supervision of school counselors in Taiwan, Republic of China. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Department of Counselor Education, Counseling Psychology, and Rehabilitation Services Education. The Pennsylvania State University.
Watkins, C. E. Jr.(1997). Defining psychotherapy supervision and understanding supervisor functioning. In C. E. Watkins, Jr. (Ed.). Handbook of psychotherapy supervision. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Wiley, M.O, & Ray, P. B.(1986). Counseling supervision by developmental level. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33,439-445.
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王文秀(民78a ) : 當事人中心療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導,44, 2 -3 。
王文秀(民78b ):理性J情緒療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導,45,4-6 。
王文秀(民81 ) : 「發展性督導模式」之探討。諮商與輔導,81,2-5 。
王文秀(民84a ) :發展性督導模式對我國諮商員訓練之應用研究。華人心理學家學術研討會論文發表。中國心理學會。
王文秀(民84b) :發展性諮商督導模式在我國諮商員訓練之適用性研究。國科會專題研究計畫( NSC 84-2413-H-134 -005 )。
王文秀(民86 ): 諮商員被督導經驗與專業枯竭、個人專業成長及督導滿意度關係之分析研究。國科會專題研究計畫( NSC 86-2413 H-134-002 )。
王文秀(民87): 諮商督導歷程研究一諮商督導者之發展歷程與受督導者「最佳及最差被督導經驗」之整理與詮釋。國科會專題研究計畫( NSC 87-2413-H-134-003 )。
王智弘(民81 ):中部地區「張老師」實施團體督導現況調查研究。輔導學報,15 期, 189-231 。
王麗斐(民87 ) :兒童個別諮商經驗對諮商新手的挑戰:一個初探性研究。中國心理學會論文發表。
朱春林(民76 ): 督導行為與義務「張老師」工作滿足及工作續效的關係一因徑目標論之應用。東吳大學社會學研究所社會工作組碩士論文。
何麗儀(民83):行為取向的督導。諮商與輔導,98, 8- 11 。
吳秀碧(民81 ): 「Stoltenberg的督導模式」在我國準諮商員諮商實習督導應用之研究。輔導學報, 15 期。
吳秀碧(民83):美國當前諮商訓練督導的主要模式和類別。學生輔導通訊, 18期, l 1 -16 。
李玉蟬( 民85):個人中心治療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導, 121, 35 -38 。
李芳銘(民78 ): 志願工作者對督導認知極其滿意度之研究。東海大學社會工作研究所碩士論文。
林本喬(民70 ):諮商實習的督導及過程。輔導月刊, 17(3,4),39-45 。
梁翠梅(民85a ): 諮商督導訓練效果之研究以台灣區家庭教育服務中心義務督導員為例。國立彰化師範大學輔導研究所博士論文。
梁翠梅(民85b ):區辨模式在督導上的運用。諮商與輔導, 121,28-34 。
陳金燕(民79 ):與其評鑑不如落實督導制度。輔導月刊, 26(9,10),8-12 。
陳若璋(民83):我國各級學校輔導諮商員實施證照制之意見調查研究。國立彰化師範大學輔導學報, 17期, 33-72 。
陳錫銘(民81 ):諮商督導的模式及其架構。諮商與輔導, 78,7-1 3 。
許維素(民82a ) : 督導關係初探(上)。諮商與輔導,94,5-10。
許維素(民82b ):督導關係初探(下)。諮商與輔導, 95, 6-11。
葉貞屏(民82 ):心理治療取向的諮商督導。諮商與輔導,94,2-4 。
楊荊生(民75 ):督導者的角色與功能。輔導月刊, 23(3,4),16-20 。
楊淑蘭(民81a ) : 理性情緒治療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導, 80,2-6 。
楊淑蘭(民8lb ):理性情緒治療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導, 81,11-15 。
楊淑蘭(民8lc ) :理性情緒治療法的督導模式。諮商與輔導, 82,4-8 。
廖鳳池、王文秀、田秀蘭(民86) :兒童輔導原理。台北:心理出版社。
趙碧華(民71 ):臺灣省縣市社會工作員專業督導滿足之研究。東海大學社會學研究所社會工作組碩士論文。
鄭熙彥、林義男(民81 ): 我國學校輔導人員專業教育內容及其效果分析研究報告。教育部訓育委員會輔導工作六年計畫。
劉玉華(民83):督導制度在諮商與輔導過程中之重要性。諮商與輔導,98,12-13 。
蕭文、施香如(民84 ):循環發展的諮商督導模式建立之謂議。輔導季刊,31(2),34-40 。
蘇美機(民81 ): 督導員特性、督導實施狀況對義務「張老師」督導滿足之影響。東海大學社會工作研究所碩士論文。
Allen, G. J., Szoll , S . J., & Williams, B. E. (1986). Doctoral students' comparative evaluations of best and worst psychotherapy supervision. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, I 7, 91-99.
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision ( 1969). Committee on counselor effectiveness. Commitment to action in supervision: Report of a national survey of counselor supervision.
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (1985). ACES task force on supervision. ACES.
Baer, T. M., & Kivlighan, Jr., D. M. (1994). Single-subject examination of the process of supervision of beginning and advanced supervisees. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 25(4),450-457.
Bartlett, W. E.(1983). A multidimensional framework for the analysis of supervision of counseling. Counseling Psychologist,11(1), 9-17.
Bernard, J. M.(1992) . The challenge of psychotherapy-based supervision: Making the pieces fit. Counselor Education and Supervision, 31, 232-237.
Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K.( 1992). Fundamentals of clinical supervision. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Cherni ss, C. (1995). Beyond burnout: Helping teachers, nurses, therapists and lawyers recover from stress and disillusionment. New York: Routledge.
Cormier, S. & Cormier, B.( 1998). Interviewing strategies for helpers: Fundamental skills and cognitive behavioral interventions . (4'h ed., p.11). Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (1988, 1992, 1994). CACREP accreditation Standards and Procedures Manual. Alexander, VA: Author.
Cross, D. G., & Brown, D. ( 1983). Counselor supervision as a function of trainee experience: Analysis of specific behaviors . Counselor Education and Supervision, 22, 333-340.
Davis, A. H. (1989). Burnout and counselor practitioner expectations of supervision. Counselor Education and Supervision, 28, 234-241.
Edwards, D. ( 1997).Supervision today: The psychoanalytic legacy. In G. Shipton (Ed.) . Supervision of psychotherapy and counseling: Making a place to think. Open University Press.
Fineman, S. (1985). Social work stress and intervention. Aldershot, Gower.
Hawkins, P., & Shohet, R.(1993). Supervision in the helping professions: An individual, group and organizational approach. Open University Press.
Heppner, P. 0. & Roehlke, J.J.(1984 ). Differences among supervisees at different levels of training: Implications for a developmental model of supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31 (1), 76-90.
Hess, A. K. ( 1980) . Psychotherapy supervision: Theory, research and practice. New York: John Wiley.
Hill, C. E., Charles, D., & Reed, K. G. (1981). A longitudinal analysis of changes in counseling skills during doctoral training in counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 28, 428-436.
Huebner, E. S. (1992). Burnout among school psychologists: An exploratory investigation into its nature, extent, and correlates. Psychotherapy Patient, 5(34), 113-124.
Kagan, N. (1975). Influencing human interaction eleven years with IPR. Canadian Counselor; 9, 74-79.
Kagan, N. (1980). Influencing human interaction eighteen years with IPR. In A. K.
Hess (Ed.). Psychotherapy supervision: Theory, research and practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 262-286.
Leiter, M. (1991). The dream denied: Professional burnout and the constraints of human service organizations. Canαdian Psychology, 32(4), 547-555.
Lemons, S., & Lanning, W. E. (1979). Value system similarity and the supervisory relationship. Counselor Education and Supervision,19, 13-19.
May, K.M., & Sowa, C. J. (1992). The relationship between a counselor’s ethical orientation and the stress experienced in ethical dilemmas. Counseling and Values, 36, 150-159.
McNeill, B. W., Stoltenberg, C. D., & Pierce, R. A.(1985). Supervisees’ perceptions of their development: A test of the counselor complexity model. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32, 630-633.
Mia時, R D., Tracey, T. J., Ray, P. B., Comfeld, J. L., O'Faell, M., & Gelson, C. J. (1983). Variation in supervision process across trainee experience levels. Journαl of Counseling Psychology, 30, 403-412. ·
Patton, M. Q.(1987). Creative evaluation. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Rabinowitz, F. E., Heppner, P. P., & Roehlke, H. J. (1986). Descriptive study of process and outcome variables of supervision over time. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33, 292-300.
Reising, G. N. , & Daniel s, M. H.(1983).A study of Hogan’s model of counselor development and supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 30, 235-244.
Rock, M. H. (1997). Psychodynamic supervision: Perspectives of the supervisor and the supervisee. New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc.
Stickel, S. A.(1991, February). A study of burn-out and job satisfaction among rural school counselors. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Boston, MA.
Stoltenberg, C.(1981 ). Approaching supervision from a developmental perspective. The counselor complexity model. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 28, 59-65.
Stoltenberg, C.D., & Delworth, U.( 1987). Supervising counselors and therapists: A developmental approach. San Francisco, Calif. Jossey-Buss.
Stoltenberg, C. D., Pierce, R. A., & McNeil, B. W.( 1987). Effects of experience on counselor trainees' needs. The Clinical Supervisor, 5(5), 23-32.
Talbot, N.L.( 1995). Unearthing shame in the supervision. American Journal of Psychotherapy. 49(3), 338-349.
Wang, W.H. (1993). A descriptive study of the training and supervision of school counselors in Taiwan, Republic of China. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Department of Counselor Education, Counseling Psychology, and Rehabilitation Services Education. The Pennsylvania State University.
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