6-2 Therapeutic and anti-therapeutic important events in groups

The major purpose of this research was to explore the therapeutic and antitherapeutic important events in groups. Two studies were conducted to meet this goal. The first study was designed by the method of Critical Incident Report, and the second study was by depth-interview. Data from 58 critical incident reports and 10 depthinterview subjects were then analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively: one was cluster analysis and the other was content analysis. This research found that several clusters share the characteristic of commonality, especially with Yalom' s 12 therapeutic factors, such as “ learning from others”“interpersonal learning” ‘cohesiveness”“information providing”“universality’”“sense of hope’” and‘self-understanding .’, Three anti-therapeutic clusters,“absence’”“lack of involvement, .. and “leader inappropriate interventions" were found to be consistent with the results in the study of Doxsee & Kivlighan (1994). In addition, several clusters found in this research, with the characteristic of culture-specific, deserved to be explored with more works in the future. Finally, therapeutic clusters might differ among varied groups. Based on the results of this research, suggestions on group works as well as future studies were discussed.

group therapeutic. important event, group anti-therapeutic important event.

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