6-4 A descriptive study of the demographic characteristics and problems of people who seeking counseling: An example of the Center for Community Counseling in NCUE

The purpose of thistudy was to analyze the demographic characteristics and  problems of people (n= 158) who seeking the Center for Community Counseling in NCUE. These findings were as following:
1.Twenty-five percent clients did not receive counseling after first counseling intakehalf of the clients terminated counseling in between one to five session counseling.
2.The demographic characteristics of the clients were as: male and female client ratio were 2 to 3; child and adolescent were 2 to 3pre-adult client were mostly males and adult client were mostly females.
3.27.8% and 33% clients were senior high school and college level background respectivelylevels of elementary and junior high school clients were mostly child and adolescence and coming accompanied by parents.
4.Unmarried and pre-adult clients were of the major seeking helperhowever,married clients were of the m吋or clients compared with total adult clients.
5.In the categories of vocation, students (about 2/5), unemployed (about 1/5)clients were the most seeking help group.
6.Almost all of adult clients'
 problemwere mostly focused on“in searching of personal self
"unmarried adult clients' problems were mostly focused on personal understanding, while married clients were focused onmarriageand  relationships".

7.Emotional disturbance, behavioral problems, school adaptation and learning problemwere most concerned by child and adolescencein addition, ageof 12-18, male clientshave most problems with parent conflict.

community counseling, help-seeking behavior

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