6-5 Evaluation of the self-awareness course for counselor-in-training

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the learning process and follow-up effects of the self-awareness course for counselor-in-train. Data was collected through in-depth individual and group interviews. Participants consisted of 13 sophomores at the first interviews, 12 at the second interviews, and 6 at the thirdinterviewsAll of them were volunteers. Analyses indicated that the main reasonswhy participants taking the self-awareness course were due to their willing to understand themselves and others' recommendation. Their impression of this course was related to well-design structure, discussing and sharing class styles, inducingthinking homework assignment, as well as safe and free atmosphereIn addition,results showed that teacher intervention, homework assignments, course requirements,every single course topics, and others were five m吋or contributors to the class. Through follow-up interviews, the results revealed that participants have been improved in terms of self-understanding, self-esteem, and their interpersonal and communication skills. Implications for counselor education and future research are discussed .

Self-awareness, Counselor-education

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