6-6 The principles、 performances and effectiveness of the self-awareness training inside the counselor-educational programs

Counselors ’ ability of self-awareness influences counselors obviously not only on counselorsprofessional ability and personally growth, but also on the effectiveness of counseling and the benefit of clients. Moreover, how to enable self-awareness of the counselor-to-be becomes an important issue concerning counselor educationTherefore, the main purpose of this research is going to understand how counselor-educators train counselor-students concerning self-awareness and training effectiveness through depth-interview. Moreover, the researcher intends to summarize training model and/or strategy based on research findings in order to promote thcounselor-students ’ ability of self-awareness.
Nine college and/or university faculties are interviewed for this research. All subjects fulfill the following qualifications: teaching the core courses in the counselinprofession, conducting training program on self-awareness along witteaching, andvolunteering for the research to share their experiences. Moreover, they are interviewed individually by the researcher for to 2 hourto share their rationale and principle, training strategies, and effectiveness on the training of self-awareness. Allinterviews are audio-recorded and transcribed. Then coding, categorizing, and formingcontext. Major research conclusions are:
1.It's feasible and important to conduct self-awareness training along with the counselor-educational programs although objective evaluation is missing.
2.Two basic principles of conducting self-awareness training are, first, settinghuman on the core and reflecting back to self and, second, emphasizing experiencing and stimulating thinking.
3.There are 4 basic training strategies: knowledge teaching, thinking activities and homework, experiencing activities and homework, and role-playing and practical exercises.
4.Evaluating the effectiveness of self-awareness training through two informal processes:
students ’ , feedback and/or paper and teachers ’ observation.

5.Possible obstacles of self-awareness training include time-consuming and in adilemma
between reinforcing personal growth 
and maintaining on schedule.

6.Concrete ways of improvement include designing systematic training program,adjusting
training schedule, and giving clarification in advance.


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