6-9 The relations among single types, social support and psychological well-being of never-married

The purpose of this research is to explore whether psychological well-being would be different by single types and level of social support for never-married. According to Stein ’ typology, singles are classified into ambivalents, resolved, wishfuls and regretfuls. In addiction those who currently has boyfriend or girlfriendgrouped as paired. Single Preference Index, Social Support questionnaire (SSQ), and Psychological Well-being Scale are employed, and two hundred forty-seven people participated in this research. The results of this research were as following:
1.Among the six dimensions of Psychological Well-being Scale, males only scored higher than females in the dimensions of Purpose in Life. Singles in theage between 32 to 36 scored higher than those in the age between 27 to 31 in the dimensions of Self-Acceptance, Autonomy, and Purpose in Life.
2.There is significant interaction effect among the number of family support, single types and psychological well-being of singles in the dimensions ofAutonomy, Environment Mastery, Personal Growth and Positive Relations with Others. Those who more family support are better than those who had less in theabove four dimensions. However, the influence of the number of family supportis greatest regretfuls, followed by paired and resolved and least is wishfuls. Furthermore, there is significant main effect of the number of family support on the dimensions Self-Acceptance and Purpose in Life.
3.There is no interaction effect among number of friend support, extent of
satisfaction with family support, and extent of satisfaction with friend support. Respectively with single types and psychological well-being. For the number of family support main effect on Self-AcceptancePersonal Growth and Purpose in Life. For the main effect of extent of satisfaction with family support onenvironment Mastery. For the main effect of extent of satisfaction with friendsupport on Personal Growth. Finally, for the single types main effect on Autonomy, Positive Relations with Others and Personal Growth.

Discussions of the results and suggestions in this research.

never-married, life adjustment, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, single types, singlehood, social support

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