6-10 The study of the clients' emotion re-experience during the period of counseling

The study is to understand the process of the clients' emotion re-experience during the period of counseling. When the clients re-encounteredemotional disturbances, the researcher analyzed the context of their emotion changes, the factors of causing emotions, and the thoughts accompanied with emotions. In comparison with the counseling process of the successful and unsuccessful emotional transition cases, the frames and elements of the successful ones are induced. With the interviews about the clients' interpersonal
process recall, the analytic materials were provided. Furthermore, with Mahrer
s Discovery
Counseling Research, the analysis on the quality measure was proceeded. Five clients and
sixty-one emotion episodes were analyzed. The result concludes that there are seven
factors to provoke emotions, the recall by exterior factors, the recall by emotion schemes,
self-examination, expressing the repressive emotions or thoughts, continually experiencing
the causes of emotions, contacting the core of disturbances, and solution
The counseling
process of the successful emotion 
transition cases sums up to six phrases, establishing relation, exploring emotions, focusing on inner states, contacting emotion cores, subtilizing, and observing. The differences between the successful and the unsuccessful cases are the successful ones have a longer exploring emotional process, have more emotion and recognition cycling phenomena in the transition processfeel more various emotions, and experience the process of subtilizing and activizing emotions. The factors which urged their emotion transitions are the relation establishment, the clients' emotion re-experiencethe subtilizied emotions, the interactions of emotion and recognition, the identical counseling paces. Based on the analytic process of all five clients, the researcher induceframe of emotion transition process, and at the end, according to the conclusion and findings providecertain suggestions.

emotion re-experience

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