4-2 The Study of Adolescents' Social Competence

The study aimed to investigate the adolescents' sc陀ial competence based on the Dodge’s model of interpersonal process. 832 adolescents, graded from 6 to 9, were sampled from four areas, north, mid, south, and east, of Taiwan. The data was collected by both Multi-agent Social Behavior Rating Scales (SBRS) and the Test of Interpersonal Problem- solving (TIPS). Six major findings were concluded as followed:
1. Adolescents' positive behaviors were rated more frequent than negative behaviors.
2. Adolescents' positive behaviors decreased and negative ones increased as grade grown.
3.. Girls were rated as better- adjusted on behavioral ratings than boys were.
4. Adolescents of southern Taiwan were rated worse on behavioral ratings, and those of mid and Taiwan showed better on the both the SBRS and TIPS.
5. Urban adolescents were rated better on behavioral ratings than subur- ban ones were. No significant difference on the TIPS between urban and suburban adolescents.
6. The adolescents who were the oldest children in their own families were rated the best on teachers' rating.
Recommendations to school counseling and future studies were made on the basis of the findings.

Adolescents,、 Social Competence

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